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Is the Control4 Home Automation System for You?

Add luxury to living with a Control4 home automation system.


One intelligent control system can help you manage many different automated features within your home. As the number of smart tools in your home grows, you’ll find there comes a time when managing them all individually is no longer practical. This is where Control4 home automation comes in and makes things easier.

With Control4, you can merge all of your smart technologies into a single user-friendly control. The days of downloading multiple applications on your phone to operate various features around your home are over. If you appreciate the simplicity of a seamless experience, then consider a Control4 system for your Barrington, IL, residence.

Continue reading to learn more about how a personalized Control4 home automation system improves your day.

  1102 Hits

How to Boost the Holiday Season with Whole House Audio


The holiday season has finally arrived! Everyone’s ready to come to your Highland, Park IL home to celebrate, so what are you doing to prepare? Start off with some late spring cleaning and much-needed decorations. Then why not add some music to set the right ambiance? Through your whole house audio system, it's easy to get the party going with the right music selection. Keep reading to see how your home audio can get you through the holiday season.

SEE MORE: 5 Great Speaker Options for Your Whole House Audio

Get the Holiday Spirit Going

From a tap on your dedicated touchpad or smartphone, you can get your favorite Christmas carols playing throughout your home in a matter of seconds. Your whole house audio system gives you centralized control of all your favorite music. What does this mean when it comes to getting the ultimate holiday playlist going?

For one, it’s easy to choose from different audio sources. Start off with some of your favorite Christmas albums playing on the turntable then switch over to your “White Christmas” Pandora station. Once you know the music you want to play, it’s time to choose where you want it to go. You can have it play in just your dedicated game room or throughout your home.

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  3400 Hits
