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3 Ways Savant Home Automation Systems “Think Different”


Redefining Smart Living with Innovation and Elegance

If Apple Had A Home Automation System, It Would Be Savant

Many Apple ad campaigns have been memorable, but one stands out as establishing Apple’s image that has been carried forward to this day. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in the mid-1990s, he set out to get Apple back on track as a technology innovator.

Among many things, he completely revamped the company’s marketing message. Apple’s “Think Different” campaign featured photographs of innovators like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Pablo Picasso, implying that you would be just a little smarter and different if you bought an Apple computer.

If there’s a home automation company that “thinks different” about smart technology, it’s Savant. The company has always been known as an Apple-centric solution—from its software and remote designs to the Apple hardware it uses on its high-end controllers. If you love the Apple design, look, and feel, you’ll love Savant home automation in your Highland Park, IL, home.

Let’s take a closer look at three innovative features and technologies that sets Savant apart from other systems in the smart home space.

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