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Why You Should Hire a Professional to Install Your Smart Technology

Avidia Helps You Avoid the Common Pitfalls of a Connected Home

In a recent study looking to gauge the growth of new technology, found the top ten markets for smart homes. Sitting at number seven is Chicago, Illinois likely due to the budding markets of its Northern suburbs including Lake Forest, Glenview, and Evanston. But what exactly constitutes a smart home? A smart home gives you interconnected and remote access to your technology. It can start with a few connected devices and ultimately evolve into a smart home automation system.

SEE MORE: 3 Reasons to Upgrade to a Smart Home

While it may be tempting to create a connected home by collecting the latest devices that hit the market, we recommend embracing a comprehensive solution from the start. This way you won’t have to deal with systems that can’t communicate with each other, are prone to break and aren't primed for growth. Below we’ll take a look at some of the advantages of working with a professional when installing a smart home automation system.

Bringing All Your Technology Together

Many smart home products are praised for their simplicity. All you have to do is connect them to the internet, download an app and enjoy the benefits. The problem with this approach is that you’re going to end up needing a “Home” folder on your iPhone to keep track of all the apps you need to follow your daily routine. There’ll be one to change the lights, one to lock the doors, and one to adjust the temperature.

This is the beauty of a smart home automation system. From the start, Avidia’s expert integrators work with you to figure out what technology you want to include. As authorized dealers of some of the industry’s biggest players, we design a system in which we can ensure all moving parts are compatible with each other.

The best part? You control it all from one single interface. Through a Control 4 solution, you can have control of your entertainment, lights, surveillance and more all from the same device. And you can choose which device works best for you: remote, touchpad, smartphone or tablet.

Creating the Right Foundation

A smart home automation system is grounded on what is popularly called the "Internet of Things." Multiple devices are connected to a network to share data and work as one. All the devices connect to your general automation service and communicate in order to give you centralized control, automated responses and smart scenes.

The problem with a DIY approach when it comes to the Internet of Things is that the foundation is often forgotten. Investment is focused on the new technology and not on the network tasked with supporting it. With a professional installation, there is a strong focus on creating the necessary wiring and network upgrades to ensure you get consistent, efficient results from your new system.

Managing Your System Effectively

One of the biggest pitfalls of a smart home automation system is not a pitfall at all. Rather it's a fact of life. Even in the most carefully installed systems, there are going to be glitches and growing pains. With Avidia, our work does not end at installation.

Before we leave, we make sure you understand every nook and cranny of your technology. We work with you to find out which components or rooms you want to use most and make them readily available on your user interface.

We also offer service and support. If a problem arises with one of your devices, we will come in and help you resolve it. We also offer ongoing maintenance options. If we find a new upgrade is available that could improve or protect your system, we let you know as soon as possible.

Skip the hassle and head straight to the benefits when it comes to your smart home. Contact Avidia for a custom solution that will get the most out of your new technology.

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