Your home is your one reliable escape from the outside world, and your favorite entertainment plays a big part in that. Once upon a time, that meant families congregated around a radio to listen to the latest show; now they come together for Netflix marathons. Seamlessly escape after a tough day at work with a home audio video system that makes it easy for you to enjoy movies, music and TV shows. From easy access to discreet systems, check out the many benefits a custom solution can bring to your Highland Park, Illinois home.

Make Access Easy with Multi-Source Rooms

A home audio video system lets you centralize control of your entertainment through the use of multi-source rooms. These rooms have access to multiple audio and video sources, even those not physically in the room. We install matrix switchers within your AV system that transport your audio and video content from its source to the room of your choice.

Settle in after a hard day of work then pull up a tablet or smartphone to find the show or movie you want to watch. Through an intuitive user interface, choose the room you're in and the source component you want to use. Finish up the show you were watching, then pick out music to play in the background during dinner. You can do it all from the same menu. No need to shuffle through different remotes or deal with a confusing universal remote.

Please the Entire Family With Diverse Entertainment Zones

While your home audio video system can help you spend time together as a family, there’ll also be times when you want to go your separate ways. Our professional technicians create diverse zones within your space that allow for each member of your family to enjoy the entertainment of their choice. Through the right speaker placement, we limit the amount of sound traveling from one zone to the next.

We then incorporate each zone into your user interface. Want to pull up a playlist when preparing dinner? From your phone, pull up your media library, choose the songs you want, and adjust the volume. At the same time, the family can continue watching the news in the adjacent living room. No need to fight for the remote. Each family member can download an app on their smartphone to control the speakers or televisions throughout the home.

Protect Your Interior Décor With Hidden A/V Components

You’ve worked hard to create a warm environment in your house. From the color of the walls to the placement of the furniture, your style makes your space uniquely yours. Often your technology can get in the way of that whether it's through large speakers, piles of remotes or cable boxes. Your home audio video system can help.

We already mentioned source components don't have to be in the room to be used. Place them all in an AV closet to eliminate clutter. Through centralized control, the mountain of remotes on the coffee table becomes a sleek touchpad, tablet, or smartphone. What about those speakers? We get rid of the bulk speakers with KEF in-ceiling and in-wall fixtures that disappear into your décor.

Want to get the most out of your home entertainment? Contact Avidia to bring a custom AV solution into your space.