Learn from the mistakes of the Brannock family and integrate a home security system into your residence today!

With the spooky season in Highland Park, IL, upon us, many people have turned to streaming platforms to enjoy new and classic Halloween entertainment. Amidst all this eerie content fever, Netflix premiered The Watcher, an unnerving series based on a true story about a New York family that moves into their dream home, only to start getting harassed by creepy letters from someone who calls themselves “the watcher.” 

Throughout the series, it’s impossible not to wonder, “What would I do if this was happening to me?” Well, we certainly hope you would call the experts at Avidia to integrate a home security system, because we are convinced there are many headaches (and subsequent trauma) that the Brannock family could have avoided had they installed professional security solutions at 657 Boulevard. 

Keep reading below to learn how to prevent this family’s mistakes and keep your dream home safe from creepy Hollywoodesque watchers! 

P.S. We’ll keep spoilers to the minimum, but you might want to finish watching this series before reading!

Surveillance Cameras

This is probably the most obviously-needed installation the Brannock family incorporated into their home. While, in all fairness, they didn't take long to integrate this technology, they made a mistake that’s quite common among homeowners, and that could be life or death if an emergency situation were to happen: they went with the cheapest option.

If there’s one thing you should never skimp on, it’s the safety and well-being of your family. By working with an experienced technology integrator, such as Avidia, you can enjoy high-performance surveillance cameras that provide unparalleled resolution and video analytics. This means you will receive a notification only when alarming activity occurs, such as a stranger on your property who is watching your home and preparing to send you creepy letters afterward!

Remote Access System

Remember the scenes where the dad returns to the house after leaving the family at a hotel? He is super tired, it’s been a long day, and you can practically feel how he needs some rest. Still, he has to go through every door to ensure they’re locked, and what happens once he’s finally in bed? The doorbell starts to go off frenetically. In the series, Dean has to get up and rush all the way downstairs, giving enough time to whoever was at the door to run away and hide in the bushes. 

With a remote access system, the story might as well end there, because he could have simply pulled out his phone and monitored his property from the comfort of his bed. With the touch of a button, he would have accessed the camera to his front door, caught a glimpse of the person ringing the doorbell, and shared that footage with law enforcement. Then, if he was feeling uneasy about the safety of his home, he could have quickly checked through the mobile app if any doors were accidentally left open and locked them all by pressing a button. All without ever disrupting his peace!

Control4’s Mockupancy

Remember what the main reason was for Dean to stay in the house while his family was in the hotel, even though everyone felt it was unsafe for him? They thought it was better if it looked like there was someone home. And they actually were right to think this way. After all, a home that seems uninhabited becomes an easier target for burglars and creepy watchers. However, if the Brannocks had a Control4 mockupancy system in place, the family could have stayed together and away from danger.

The mockupancy system is an occupancy setting from Control4 that keeps track of your lighting, shading, and audio-video habits and then replicates them while you are away from home. Simply select the “away” scene, and all your systems and devices automatically turn on and off as they normally do. This is perfect if you are leaving on vacation or a business trip, or someone is watching your home from a short distance and you want to take refuge in a nearby hotel!

At Avidia, we prioritize your personal security just as much as you do, and we are certain you shouldn’t wait to integrate advanced security technologies until a stalker starts sending you letters. Are you ready to make your home a safer, more enjoyable place to live? Contact us right here to learn more. 

We can’t wait to hear from you!